Thursday, June 2

Think before you open your mouth........

There are some quotes that have to be quoted again....and again....and again....until everybody has seen them.

As such:-

"640k ought to be enough for anybody"

Bill Gates


At 9:00 pm, Blogger Onkroes said...

Bill Gates, despite some plainly stupid quotes like that one, is one rich mutha, and being doesn't have to worry about knowing nothing about technology!

It's as academic a comment as "there will only ever be 5 computers" from many years before.

My Treo 600 phone has more memory than the ICL mainframe at Newcastle University that my school used to hook up to (though that was admitedly in prehistoric times).

At 11:53 pm, Blogger LiVEwiRe said...

Oh my, and HOW long ago did he say this? He will probably never live it down... he'll be at one his nerdy gatherings and someone will put a sign on his back bearing that remark as opposed to 'kick me'! But as Onkroes says... he's probably too rich to care.


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