Friday, May 27

The Mother of all Superior information sources.....

The internet is a mine of information. Regardless of your view on the information thats there it's not really something that can denied. I do sometimes wonder how much of it can be taken at face value though and how much you need to weed out the gold from amongst the shiny foil.

Have a case in point.

Was talking to Ray about nuns, as you do, and happened to mention I had a book to let him borrow and that I'd bring it in. To give him an idea of what he'd be getting I fired up my 'Fox and searched for it. What I found surprised the hell out of me.

The book in question is the weighty 320 page AntiCristo: The Bible of Nasty Nun Sinema and Culture by Steve Fentone. An exhaustive trawl through the use of nunsploitation through media - sexy nuns, drug nuns, rock'n'roll nuns...heck even spark spitting, wind-up nunzilla toys. All there and all in fine form.

I bought it direct from Purgatory films, an off shoot of the Salvation stable (note: hey kids, thems got naughty pages - lock 'em down). They've got it still for just £17.99 of your earth pounds

However, one of the first places my search brought up was over at Amazon and whether you looked at the UK version, US version or the Waterstones site, well, you're in for a surprise. They have people selling the same papercover copy for three figures, between £170 and £260.

Am I missing something here ?

Buy a few from one place, sell them at the other, go on holiday. Sounds too easy, doesn't it ??

I get the feeling that somebody, somewhere is chuckling at things like this - though I'd imagine it's not the Mother Superior.......


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