Sunday, April 24

A Partly Political Broadside.

You do wonder if people in politics were ever living in anything remotely like a normal life. Yes, I know, we see old snapshots of them in university or doing something embarassingly hilarious, but did they ever really take in life before having a colour and slogan against their name ?

"But Carpy", I hear you cry as one, "why this sudden outburst ?"

All thieves to be moved into houses made of glass so that the public can eye up what they own !

Well, I guess it's watching the election campaign over here on the small island around The Towers. I've always been a keen fan of actually paying attention and voting, to make use of the voice a democracy gives.

Honestly though, what the hell is the crap peddled as "Campaigns" this time round ?

Kill the dead and force the rest to carry on living by law !

The two main parties seem hell-bent on doing all they can to turn people off, to sap their interest and drive them into a permanent "undecided" state. Virtually ever single day of the last week or so has been earmarked for things like health, economy, immigration and those sorts of topics.

All dogs to be sprayed yellow so they can be seen better by cars !

So, given the chance to spout forth on why we should draw a little cross against them, they head out and tell us.....well, nothing.

What they do grace us with is what they see as the faults with all the other parties and how that isn't as good as they would do given a chance. We're expected to place a vote based on the fact that a party isn't as bad as the other ones. There's always been an element of this in politics as when done right it's an integral part - show your hand and dismiss the oppositions - but this time it's the whole campaign.

Free beer for drunks to keep them off the streets !

I can do this, that's the point. I could sit here, look at each less-than-vague pledge and rubbish it without really saying what I'd do in return. I want to know what people are aiming to do, where their focus lies.

If it wasn't for the fact that, as I said, I value the fact that I have a vote I could almost be tempted not to bother. I'll be there though, trotting out with a most likely reduced percentage of the population and I'll therefore get my right to moan like hell at the outcome.

People who don't vote to have their hands stitched behind their backs.


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