Saturday, April 16

Wheeeeeeeres your head at ?

When you've been at work for a while you end up feeling like a break - or possibly breaking something - whichever fits your character. It's all down to repetition I think - you get used to something, the pattern is good, then the routine ends up taking hold and you get bored of it - or hit it with a board - whichever gets there first.

It's probably why I'm enjoying my slight backing off from the Blog.

I've not dropped it, it won't get deleted and I'm still drawn to posting when the mood really takes me. It has done up to now and I know I will continue to do so. Gives me chance to make words out of little tiny lights behind glass - how could I refuse that !

There is something better about just coming here when I've actually got something to post.

Sounds obvious but I'd got into a rut of feeling guilty if I'd not posted withing 24hrs of the last one - sometimes more than once. Don't think I'm knocking this though - looking back through them I'm actually happy with about 99% of the gubbins on here (there's always a runt in the litter - it's natural).

If you think about it you'd have to have a pretty exciting life to keep the rate up that I'd started - over the first 100 days I'd done about 130 posts. Unless you're Bond declaring his conquests, the controller of a TV station inventing reality TV shows or a chav trying every flavour of alcho-pop that you can, well, it's going to run a little short after a while.

It's kind of ironic that my first post for a few days is about why I've not felt compelled to post. Actually even I can't work that out and I've just said it. Ho hum.

In case anybody is sad enough to wonder where I've been, or in reality to feed my ego into thinking there may be somebody out there reading this, here's a summary with odd thoughts from the last few days that didn't warrant a post of their own.

It's going to be a bumpy ride - you'd best buckle up now:-

* People apologise for the things which make them human. Have you ever heard a plant apologise for being green ? No ? Exactly my point. Be yourself and don't feel that things that come naturally need a sigh or an apology. People like feelings and honesty. No. They do. You'll be surprised how much they're appreciated for what they are.

* Homing pidgeons released in South Africa fly very slowly and never land. Maybe they've heard of the item two down the list.

* HDTV is gaining ground and starting to get a few extra mentions around the place. I tried it today via a few test 1280 x 720 clips and even on my PC monitor, where they're not fully realised, the difference over even DVD is apparent.

* South African marinade "Nandos Roasted Reds" is spectacular with chicken if left for 24hours to really get the flavour.

* Tickets going cheap for things usually means nobody else wanted them - it's a tough break Ray but you shoulda seen it coming ;o)

* A spectacular amount of rain is initially interesting but some 14 hours later even the sound of it battering your window can drive you nuts.

* Reading other peoples blogs is a vital part of having a blog. After all if nobody read the bloody things then most people would stop doing them a lot sooner. It's that human thing again.

* People out there around the world (well, those readers of my blog) do seem to like Dr Who. I'd always thought of it as being a very British thing and, therefore, should apologise for thinking like an island dweller.

Ah, I'm breaking my first item in that list. I'll stop while I'm ahead.


At 2:59 am, Blogger LiVEwiRe said...

Nice to know that you've come to find a balance for posting in your blog. Keep in mind that it can change and never feel guilty for giving it more or less time. It is yours, after all, and you can do with it what you wish. Except delete it. I draw the line there! =)

And the thing about apologizing for being green (if you're a plant) makes perfect sense!!! Glad you had that up for me to read - good timing.

At 9:13 pm, Blogger Onkroes said...

I used to like Dr.Who, but stopped after Tom Baker was dropped. I watched the first episode of the new one and found it entertaining nonsense, not enough content or interest to make me watch the next episode though. And I'm not apologising for that, I'm only human (oh, was that an apology?)

In other news... Someone told me yesterday that they're planning on tearing the Grainger Market down! I couldn't believe it! How could they? Back when I lived up home I used to shop there all the time. The most magnificent indoor market in the world! Gits. All down to the council getting paid a lot of money from 'developers' for the building rights, quelle suprise!

At 4:56 pm, Blogger mysfit said...

Gives me chance to make words out of little tiny lights behind glass
-You know, you could always use a lite-brite (or do you Brits even know what one is? :) - I now apologize for thinking like an american).
-yes, we humans apologize for being human - it's very human, but then farting is very human and i will still apologize for the smell. It's a matter of deciding what is worth apologizing for. I hate it when people apologize too much, like apologizing for existing. Stop, think, "would i expect someone to apologize to me about this?" then follow your own advice...

(I apologize for the number of times I use some variation of apology in this comment:P)


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