Sunday, March 27

(not so) Sharp Dressed (old) (guitar) Man.....

Just watching the 45 minute DVD that comes with the latest Queens Of The Stone Age album "Lullabies To Paralyze" - there's an interview and a video, but mostly a 'making of' filmed in the studio for the sessions recording the album itself.

Guesting, amongst others, is Billy Gibbons - one time guitar-twirling, beard-raising sharp dressed man from ZZ Top.

Shit, does the guy look old now. I mean, the beard always added a year or five but he's there doing some backing vocals etc and hanging out and he's got this green woolley hat on, slightly hunched like Gandalfs older brother. He's still got "The Cool" (tm) and effortlessly drops into press photo poses that would simply look trite if done by other band members but, sheesh, thinking how he looked when I saw the ZZ Top vids first time round, and seeing him now.....

{shakes head}

It's making me feel damn ancient.

The thing with appearances though....when he picks up a guitar to throw down some scorching leads for one of the tracks - wow. He's still on fire like the old days. 55 years old (going on 400) and firing hard on all rock-fuelled cylinders at 4am in the studio - now that IS cool.

Jack Black stamps on the floor to provide some rhythm for one track. He has a beard too but, well, he really isn't any competition.



At 11:41 pm, Blogger LiVEwiRe said...

I saw ZZTop in concert and that man has talent coming out of his elbows. The way I see it, he is the type of musician that could effectively forego food for booze, sleep for speed, and class for a piss bag and still have a high cool factor. Keith Richards has been doing it for years...

But I do know what you mean about it making you feel old. But I've been a ZZTop fan from WAY back (Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers, Tush, etc.) so maybe I AM just plain old! Can't remember... damn senility creeping in.

At 11:57 pm, Blogger Just Somebody said...

"Rio Grande Mud", that's where I picked them up.

Not the day it came out, of course - it was '72 and I was 5 or so.

I can remember listening to it at school and being amazed - it wasn't exactly what the others were listening to though.

Hell, I'm off to find it.......

At 6:10 pm, Blogger Jen Jordan said...

Seeing the word 'Livewire' reminds me of old Motely Crue and Vince Neil's nasal man-man vocals.

I won't be running out to recapture that bit of nostalgia.

At 6:27 pm, Blogger Ray Banks said...

Carp, I can't believe you used the words "ZZ Top" and "cool" in the same post. Really. If it wasn't for the beards, nobody'd remember who the fuck they were...

At 6:31 pm, Blogger Just Somebody said...

What's sadder still Ray, is that I'm talking about them pre-80's hits.

Like from '71 - '77......

At 6:19 am, Blogger LiVEwiRe said...

Carpy, you and I will get out our old music and set up a date to listen to it. We may have to turn it up a bit louder

Now I will be trying to remember if Livewire was on Shout at the Devil (yes, I owned the a-l-b-u-m) or if it was it's own album entirely. And I agree with Jennifer, no desire whatsoever to revisit that era! how funny.


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