Thursday, March 17

When words go wild.......

As ever, like somebody who's taxi has delivered them late to a party, I feel I've chanced upon something that everybody knew about already.

The new (or, for all I know, ancient) art of BookCrossing

Simply put, you read a book, like the book, mark the book up with an i.d. and....just leave it to be found.

The finder then reads it, logs where they leave it (if they play along) and this continues with people chancing upon books that hopefully pleasantly surprise them. Kind of a cross between a free book shop and an easter egg hunt.

This idea I like and, if I can be bothered (hey, I'm being realistic), I'll be digging a few out to "release into the wild".

There are also hints as to where they've been released so check **here** to see if one is liable to be near you......


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