Wednesday, January 19

Silence is golden (and odd).

Today's certainly felt quite odd.

Since about 8am this morning when I croaked on the phone into work I've not uttered a single word. Not one. I've just not dared stress my throat as if I push it like I normally do it tends to be about two weeks before it's full strength returns. For somebody that does exactly the opposite and talks all day it's even more strange.

Even odder was the fact that I'd go long periods and not even realise, then suddenly the thought would cross my mind out of nothing. I wonder how it would feel to go longer still - days, weeks, whatever. I guess if you got to a certain point it would switch over and thinking about talking would be the unusual thing.

Kinda makes you think.....and not talk.


At 8:11 am, Blogger Just Somebody said...

I'm in that some voice / high voice / no voice period at the moment. Lucky dip time in sentence land. It's a comedy target if ever I've heard one.

At 5:18 pm, Blogger Jen Jordan said...

It sounds as though you're on the vere of painting, and then holding conversations, with a volley ball. Please tell me you still shave.


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