Saturday, June 18

Notes to self on notes from others......

What with myself confessing to yet more musical re-discoveries in a recent (ie just below this) posting, and with the mentions by onkroes in recent ones of his here and here, I just had to get myself round to yet another musical post.

Like music itself I'm going to steal a flavour from elsewhere (for this read whole idea) and drop in a few bands/artists that I've been listening to both recently and pretty much off and on over the last many years. Buying a bigger MP3 player can seriously put smiles on a persons face when trawling the shelves to rip stuff to load onto it.....

I'm wondering if I can convince others to do the same ??

With this making at least two of us doing it in this quadrant of the blog-map then surely that's tempting you all to grab your keyboard any down some thoughts and recollections from your (oh, the pain) collections.

C'mon - you've only your facades of coolness to risk......?


At 9:29 pm, Blogger LiVEwiRe said...

I'll have to see if I have anything that jumps out at me. I might be able to find some embarassing choices and equally as questionable tales relating to long forgotten songs. Sigh; thinking is hard. Might take a while. =)

At 3:13 pm, Blogger Onkroes said...

The huge benefit for me (as I think I've said before - sorry for repeating myself) is....

Where before I would go to the CD rack and ponder over what I wanted to listen to, spend ages chosing, and often overlooking tunes that were not current, with my iPod I just set it to Shuffle and enjoy whatever it throws my way! The obvious advantage is that I don't waste loads of time mulling over what I feel like listening to (and maybe chosing the same current favourites everytime), but I also get to enjoy a wider variety of music (all of which I like) and more of which tickles my fancy.

I just need to put all my singles and albums onto my iPod and I'll be all set - particularly for memories as a lot of them are tied up in the old vinyl!


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