Wednesday, February 9

Drop the dead (sleeping) donkey....

I'm sitting here at work today eating my Korean noodle soup and thinking about dropping a blog on here. The strange thing is that I've realised I've no inspiration at all - seemingly nothing has happened since I posted last night.

That's quite a sad thing in itself isn't it. I've drifted through getting up and then the morning at work and there's nothing - not even something frustrating or annoying - to report on.

I did nearly oversleep this morning so after yesterdays sleep releated post I guess that's almost news. Almost. That's just the status quo returning though (no, not the band) so it's pretty poor if thats a 'highlight'.

Hmmm. Nothings happened and yet I've still got a blog post out of it.

Sneaky bugger, aren't I ;o)


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