Tuesday, February 8

Can you buy sleep on eBay ?

Arithmetic Arithmetoc
I turn the hands back on the clock

Ah, Tom, if only it was that easy.

Yep, Carpy's not sleeping again - spent last night wide awake without a single yawn in me. It's weird as I've not changed my habits in pretty much any way at all, my work is no more (or less !) stressful than it ever has been and my personal life is pretty stable at the moment too.

If I had something to fret over or try to work through in my head I'd understand it and that in turn would maybe mean I'd sleep.

Seems like tonight will have to be a warming drink, some comfort food and an early night. It just feels like a chore to have to plan to sleep. Forcing something we supposedly do for a third of our lifetime just seems a strange idea.

Oh well, I'll report back in the morning because I know you'll be on the edge of your seat to find out what happens next...... ;o)


At 3:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, looks like you caught this bug from me! Ever since I came back from my holidays, I got this restlesness which keeps me awake whole night (~:

Any ways wish you a nice and pleasant sleep tonight :-)

Harish M

At 9:55 pm, Blogger arthur decko said...

i get those every once in a while, no sleep for no reason. i usually walk around my house, read, wander the internet and wonder why the hell i am not sleeping.


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