Wednesday, July 13

"The public gets what the public wants, but I don't care........."

I really have no sympathy for people at times, I really don't.

For ages now those of us that watch TV, yet have diverse interests and a thirst for knowledge, have wondered why primetime doesn't put in more stimulating shows. You know things that entertain but also inform or cause a person to question or go off to find out more.

I was therefore dismayed to find that BBC2 has lost three million viewers in the past year after cutting its number of lifestyle and entertainment shows. The decision to replace them with more arts and current affairs in peak time has led to a 'significant fall' in audience, the BBC admitted."

This worries me.

It seems therefore that we now have a viewing public that no longer wish to stretch their brains but would rather see this years 'in' paint colours or whether somebody will get on better with another persons wife.

As people like Ray will tell you, we don't need TV in our lives. The sad thing is that used well it can be an aid, a tool and a route for discovery.

People don't now seem to want this though and the implications for a general mood change in the thirst for the new don't bode well.

Chicken nuggets and house-swapping anybody ?


At 10:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not really surprised. Isn't the whole idea behind a lot of tv on at the moment LCD? So if you then change to more demanding tv of course you are going to lose viewers.

I often wonder do these viewing figures take into account the taping of shows? I guess not. And plenty of people I know will tape stuff to watch later, especially if it requires thought. TV schedules often don't fit in with people's lives.

At 2:16 pm, Blogger kyknoord said...

yoo wont da tv gonna mayk us bettr edderkayted wit bigga braynz if we wotch borrring artsifartsi krap. Wot for????? yoo sayng i'm stoopid or wot?

At 5:06 pm, Blogger Jen Jordan said...


That you?

At 1:18 am, Blogger LiVEwiRe said...

I prefer nerdy shows where I learn things. With two exceptions... one involves a gay man (what doesn't these days?) and the other highlights a drug addicted, smart ass doctor.

At 8:29 am, Blogger Just Somebody said...

drug addicted, smart ass doctor

Would that be "House" ?

At 10:38 pm, Blogger LiVEwiRe said...

Uh... yep =) (I know you know him by another name as well...)


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