Wednesday, January 26

Writing as she is wrote.

It's funny how some subjects come to mind.

I'd started reading peoples "Blog Fiction Project" works yesterday and it struck me that, with the word limit imposed, some of these must have been written in a sitting or two, in a blinding flash of creativity. That led me on to the whole inspiration thing.

I get moments of absolute clarity with regard to opening paragraphs, lines of dialogue and ways to twist words but I get them, usually, just as I'm falling asleep. Only last night, suitably inspired by the act of reading, my brain decided to add some ying to the yang and write for me.

In my head.

At 1am.

Whilst trying to sleep.

Short of a pad by the side of the bed, or a dictaphone hooked up by the pillow, I tend to find that what I do remember in the morning is in the same vein but always feels about 75% of the quality of the original. I always try and convince myself to hang on to a phrase that'll jog my memory in the morning but as much as this helps it's never quite the same.

Damn you word jugglers - you inspire the writing bug in those that feel partially immunised when they try. It's like watching some amazing cookery program and being inspired to cook. Realising, once you have all the raw ingredients mixed, that you didn't see the end part with the cooking times is not a fun thing.

I don't know, maybe it's just me having a blues moment on this whole thing.

Maybe it gets easier with practice, or maybe I'm just going to have to marry an insomniac stenographer.

The answer is "yes", before you ask, the "insomniac stenographer" entered my head at about 2am this morning........


At 7:48 pm, Blogger Jen Jordan said...

I have a huge pad of paper by the bed with a glow in the dark pen. I have a voice activated tape recorder for the car. If I can come up with something waterproof for the shower, I will scream with delight.

Take that as you will.

If you've got the bug than write. The more you write the more comfortable with your own writing you'll become. And that comes across to readers as a 'voice'.

I have to thank John Connolly for helping me pull my writing out of the drawer.

"A thosand words a day." he said, with finger wagging like a school marm.

Don't stop to question spelling and grammar. Do that later. Just sit down and write, dear.

At 8:14 pm, Blogger Just Somebody said...

I did and I'm about 500 words in within stopping. Apart from realising my legs had gone to sleep under me. Oh, and typing this....and changing the Waits for the radio to take away an excuse - as if I needed one.

Will aim for the 1000 and then see if it still has legs after that.

Thanks for the prod - consider me back to the keyboard.


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