Sunday, January 23

Can you get punk slippers ?


* I wear metal t-shirts that have caused passing officers of the law to stop me and examine them.

* I have the word Carpathian in my name and blog.

* The music I listen to would shred paint at 40 paces (just ask Lucretia)

* I have signed prints and posters on my wall that Athena would never risk selling for fear of closure.

Why am I telling you all this ?

Well, I find myself popping out earlier today to grab some new kitchen surface cleaner so that I can give the worktops a going over whilst my second load of washing runs through. Once the cleaning is done I realise that I'm quite pleased with myself and stand back to admire the now gleaming working surface.

Not exactly the spirit of rebellion, is it ?


At 9:14 pm, Blogger arthur decko said...

even us punks who rage daily against the machine must eat, wear clean clothes and live in a clean house (well, some of us, i have seen others...). and this post reminds me that i have laundry that i need to put in the dryer. thanks. oh, now that i think about it, just for you i will "mosh" (can you mosh alone? i think you need others, but, you get the idea) my way to my dryer, in the spirit and all that.

At 9:40 am, Blogger Jen Jordan said...

There are punk slippers.

My sister, who used to sport a mohawk that poked God in the eye, has demented pink bunny slippers that say,
"Your pain brings me pleasure."


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