Friday, September 16


At 9:31 pm, Blogger Onkroes said...

As no one else has commented, and I don't want you to feel alone, I just wanted to let you know I laughed at this one, very very funny. Quick hit, but funny nonetheless.

At 8:20 pm, Blogger Just Somebody said...

I just have nothing to blog about at the moment ! I'm sure now I've said that all sorts of fun and happenings will take place. Isn't that always the way ?

Anyhoo, it's nice to take a break until I feel the urge to come back - I thought I'd hate doing that but it makes it feel less of a chore and more of something to do as the mood takes me.

Nice of you pair to notice though ;o)

At 6:52 pm, Blogger LiVEwiRe said...

Get your butt on here and write instead of posting pictures of our illustrious pres. =)


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