Thursday, February 24

African head-shrinkers needed - apply within.

I'm gutted.

It's not snowing so much now but the wind has decided to wake early and is whistling around, over and most likely into anything it can.

Ideal, I thought, to use my Russian 'Squirrel Head' and saunter (or, as it would feel, sauna) into work feeling smug. It was bought from a young cadet just outside the Kremlin on a stupidly cold -25degrees October morning and has since become a wonderful memory of a great time in Moscow, Leningrad and on the Trans-Siberian.

I'd forgotten that the hat had been bought back in around '87 and was bought to be snug at the time. Yes, you guessed it, it didn't fit ! I'm going to either have to shrink my head or find some way to stretch the hat.

Hmm, I wonder which option it may be ;o)

Paul 'Gazza' Gascoigne, well known international hat-model for the stars, can be seen here modelling my hat (complete with Kremlin cadet badge) for me -


At 9:48 am, Blogger arthur decko said...

now *THATS* a hat


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